St Mary's Priory No. 253 remembers the fallen
Posted on 22nd November 2017 at 08:49
On discovering that Women Freemasons existed, Bridlington Town Council invited Lodge St Mary's Priory to take part in the Remembrance procession, parading to the War Memorial and laying a wreath in memory of the fallen.
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The weather was atrocious and all were soaked - but it was nothing compared to what the soldiers had to put up with at The Somme, Passchendaele and other battles.
Left to right: Bro Pauline Stow, W Bro Betty Crossland PGR, W Bro Rosie Green, W Bro Jenny Simpson PGR and W Bro Pauline Allman PGR. The wreath was laid by the Worshipful Master W Bro Anne Grayson PGR and W Bro Val Ward Senior Warden
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