Why should I become a Freemason?
What our Members say ......
“When I became a Freemason in 1998, I was a school based nurse, looking after cuts and sprains and organising vaccines. I was very settled in a sedate and quiet job, with no ambition whatsoever. Since then I have moved to a community post, been back to university (several times!) gained a degree and post degree diploma, and progressed further in my nursing career than I ever imagined. My role within my team now is Education facilitator, trainer and assessor to health staff, parents, school support staff and other carers who look after children with complex, chronic and often palliative needs.
I truly believe that without the discipline and learning in Freemasonry I could not have achieved the grades, without the support and encouragement of my friends and Brethren in the lodge, I would not have persevered. Little did I know, in 1998, how learning the ritual, speaking in a meeting, proposing toasts to Brethren, visitors and guests, would eventually give me my voice and teach me how to address a classroom, how to teach in a way people can learn, how to deal with difficult situations or people in a positive manner, and also how to celebrate life itself.”
“I joined because I wanted to be a better version of myself. I saw how committed two of my very dearest friends are to the Order and I wanted to emulate their excellent example.”
“So far I have learned that I can do whatever I set my mind to. I am more confident than ever. As I have progressed through the Order, I have gained in confidence but best of all, I have met the most wonderful women, from farmers' wives to a ballet teacher and all sorts in between and they have enriched my life.”
“Freemasonry is to me a warm, comfy pair of slippers. I didn't know what to expect when I joined 23 years ago, only that it needed a bit of discipline and some memory work. But having worked my way through the various positions and degrees, and now being a member of some of the higher degrees, I've found it to be a wonderful route map for life.”
“When my husband died very suddenly the support and friendship I received from Freemasonry was amazing. I have made so many wonderful, sincere friends who remain so even now. In what other society can you say that? It gave me the strength to carry on and in return I give back all I have learned and hope I am a good ambassador for women Freemasons. It has so much to offer all.”
For more information please feel free to contact us at enquiries@owf.org.uk, or fill out the form on our contact page