27 Pembridge Gardens, 
London W2 4EF 
What is Freemasonry? 
Freemasonry means different things to each person who joins – it can be establishing new life long friendships, helping those in need through charitable work and fundraising or making yourself an even better person – for many who join it means all of these things plus more. 
Freemasonry is one of the world’s oldest non-religious and non-political organisations. The men’s Order has existed for over 300 years whilst the Order of Women Freemasons celebrated 100 years in 2008. All members are expected to practice love, honesty, truth and respect. Click here for further information. 
Is women's Freemasonry the same as men's Freemasonry? 
Yes. We work on the same lines as regular men’s Freemasonry and are based on the same three fundamental principals. The Order of Women Freemasons is a totally separate entity from the men’s United Grand Lodge of England. 
Is it a secret society? 
Freemasonry is not a secret society but lodge meetings, like those of many other groups such as the Women’s Institute, Ladies Circle, golf clubs, are private and only open to members. Information on Freemasonry is open to the public, meeting places are known and many of these are open for the public to use for their activities. 
What are the secrets? 
The secrets are the traditional modes of recognition used solely as a test of membership when meeting another freemason at a Lodge meeting. 
What happens at the meetings? 
Lodges meet formally four or five times a year. The meetings are in the form of ceremonies based on illustrative stories which symbolically reinforce the principles of Freemasonry - Brotherly Love (being kind), Relief (charity) and Truth (integrity). 
Is Freemason a religion? 
Freemasons are required to have a belief in their own God (Supreme Being). It does not try to replace or substitute religion. Freemasonry deals in relationships between people; religion deals in a man’s relationship with his God. Freemasons are banned from all political or religious discussions whilst at meetings. 
Is it true that Freemasons favour other Freemasons at the expense of others in giving jobs, promotions, contracts etc? 
No - this would be a misuse of membership and is greatly frowned upon. Each Freemason states on entry into the Order that she expects no material gain from her membership. 
Can I become a Freemason? 
The qualifications for joining the Order of Women Freemasons are to be over the age of 21, be of good character and have a belief in a supreme being. Click here for further information. 
Is there a lodge near me? 
The Order of Women Freemasons have lodges in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland plus lodges overseas in Australia, Canada, South Africa, Spain and Zimbabwe. Click here to find the nearest lodge near you.  
“I don’t have time to join” 
You can put as much or as little of your time into Freemasonry as you choose but you would be required to attend the four or five formal lodge meetings that take place each year. You are not be required to participate in social events arranged outside of the lodge meetings although these are good opportunities to make lifelong friendships. The old saying applies to Freemasonry – ‘the more you put into something the more you will get out of it’. Click here to read messages from some of our members on how Freemasonry has enhanced their lives. 
Why do Freemasons wear aprons? 
Modern Freemasonry is thought to have its origins in the operative masons who built in medieval times and wore aprons for practical and protective reasons. Although of no practical use we now wear them to show different levels of progress in Freemasonry. 
How much does it cost to join Freemasonry? 
Once a year you will be required to pay a lodge subscription – the amount varies from lodge to lodge depending on a lodge’s yearly expenditure and includes a set ‘membership’ fee which cover the costs of running our Grand Lodge. Other costs may include a meal after each meeting, raffles, supporting lodge socials and fundraising events but there is no requirement for you to join in and you do what you can. 
How do I find out more? 
Our website is full of information and we welcome enquiries from women wanting to find out more and may be interested in becoming a member. Click here to fill out an online form and your enquiry will be directed to a lodge near you from which a member will contact you.