27 Pembridge Gardens, 
London W2 4EF 

Posts from June 2020

The Order of Women Freemasons has designed a beautiful pin badge with the words ‘thank you 2020’ underneath the logo of the Order over which sits the rainbow motif now synonymous with the coronavirus pandemic and a symbol of hope. The badge is for members to wear both in lodge and in public to say thank you in lodge and to friends, family and everyone they pass in the street. 
On the first weekend of June each year over 600 members of the Order of Women Freemasons meet up in Birmingham for their annual Grand Lodge meeting.  
It is with much sadness for all members that this year's meeting, due to be held today Saturday, 6th June, is unable to go ahead due to 'lockdown' regulations. 
At these weekend events members meet up with old friends and make many new friends from all over the UK and abroad. They also join together to celebrate with those who have received Honours and enjoy the annual installation of our Grand Master - Most Worshipful Bro Zuzanka Penn. It is a weekend of demonstrating the three principles of Freemasonry - Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth. 
Usually the highly colourful and formal proceedings of the Grand Lodge meeting and the following meal are matched only by the wonderful informal gatherings of women freemasons across the whole weekend and the friendly atmosphere that encompasses everything. 
Congratulations to all who would have today formally been invested with their new ranks and of course to our Grand Master who would have also been formally installed for the coming year.  
We all look forward to being together again as soon as circumstances allow. 
Stay safe. 
Above: MW Grand Master parading with her Officers to the Annual Grand Lodge meeting (2018) 
Left: MW Grand Master with some of her Officers