27 Pembridge Gardens, 
London W2 4EF 

Posts from June 2018

On Sunday 17 June, Santo Arco Real en Espana No. 52 held their Installation at the Lodge building in Los Boliches, near Fuengirola on the Costa del Sol. On the previous day, the Craft lodge, La Rama Primera No. 355 held a First Degree ceremony. Members and visitors from the UK joined the Members who are resident in Spain and enjoyed two very good meetings.  
VW Bro Jenny Robinson GDC and W Bro Elaine Malone AGReg represented the MW the Grand Master at a National Service of Commemoration for the 1100th anniversary of the death of Aethelflaed, Lady of the Mercians. The Grand Master gave permission for chains to be worn on this occasion. The service was attended by HRH the Earl of Wessex, Prince Edward.  
The residents at Birmingham's Hilton Metropole Hotel had a surprise when the MW the Grand Master paraded through the hotel in procession and in full regalia to the Quarterly Communication and Enthronement meeting. Click more to see a video log of some of the weekend's highlights.