Royal Arch in Spain
Posted on 20th June 2018 at 21:39
On Sunday 17 June, Santo Arco Real en Espana No. 52 held their Installation at the Lodge building in Los Boliches, near Fuengirola on the Costa del Sol. On the previous day, the Craft lodge, La Rama Primera No. 355 held a First Degree ceremony. Members and visitors from the UK joined the Members who are resident in Spain and enjoyed two very good meetings.
Below left: L-R Ex Comp R J Wylie, GReg, Ex Comp M Maxfield, GSwdBr, 'H', Ex Comp S Warburton GStwd, MEZ, Ex Comp K Parsons, 'J', Ex Comp M Gibson, GStdBr, IPZ. Below Right: Members of Santo Arco Real No. 52
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