27 Pembridge Gardens, 
London W2 4EF 
Seventy years have passed since the beginning of October 1954, when the Grand Master at the time, Most Worshipful Bro Mary Gordon Muirhead Hope and her Deputy Grand Master arrived in Toronto, Ontario, Canada to start the work which would launch several Canadian Craft Lodges and later, some higher degrees. This very ambitious period of expansion of the Order into Canada and many visits from the Grand Master and her team would last ten full years. 
The Order currently has four Canadian Lodges located in Scarborough, South Oshawa, Mississauga and Jordan in Ontario and all are welcoming new members into their Lodges. 
The future for the Order in Canada looks promising, for although there are always challenges due to the distances members have to travel and the distance from Grand Lodge in London, there is a strong dedication instilled by our Grand Inspectors and the many Brethren before us over the years to carry on and be happy. 
Congratulations to all our Brethren in Canada and may you continue to enjoy your Freemasonry in the coming years! 
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