OWF participate in Open House London at Freemasons Hall
Posted on 25th September 2020 at 14:44
Members of the Order of Women Freemasons attended the Open House London Festival event at the spectacular United Grand Lodge of England’s Freemasons Hall over the weekend of 19-20th September.
The Order was invited to the event by the United Grand Lodge of England as an opportunity to promote women’s freemasonry. Along with the banners, leaflets and giveaways, the stand was further enhanced with our members wearing their masonic regalia – an eye-stopper for many!
Despite COVID-19 the event was very well attending with track and trace in place and social distancing made possible by the grand scale of the rooms inside Freemasons Hall.
There was a lot of interest in women’s freemasonry and our members were kept busy talking to the large number of people who stopped at the stand to find out more – usually starting with the question “Women can be freemasons? I only thought it was for men!?”. Many were surprised to learn that the Order of Women Freemasons has been in existence since 1908.
The Order of Women Freemasons would like to thank the United Grand Lodge of England for their invitation to participate in this fabulous event.
Click here if you would like to find out more out women Freemasons and joining The Order of Women Freemasons.

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