Grand Master visits Northern Counties
Posted on 29th April 2019 at 17:50
Lodge Vinovium No. 238 celebrated their 50th Anniversary on Saturday 13 April 2019 and the members were delighted to welcome The Grand Master MW Bro Z D Penn, VW Bro IG Howell Grand Inspector of Essex and VW Bro Briggs Deputy Grand Registrar, Care of Northern Counties to their Installation. W Bro Beryl Spence was installed into the chair of King Solomon by W Bro Jean Dixon.
Immediately below: Members of Lodge Vinovium with their special guests. Centre left: The Grand Master assists the new WM to cut the celebration cake.
Centre right and bottom: Lodge Emerell Centum No. 281 welcomed the Grand Master, VW Bro Howell Grand Inspector of Essex and VW Bro Briggs Deputy Grand Registrar, Care of Northern Counties to their meeting on Friday 12 April 2019 when Bro Claire Bland was passed to the Second degree by the Worshipful. Master, W Bro Margaret Thompson.
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