27 Pembridge Gardens, 
London W2 4EF 
The Order of Women Freemasons is delighted to congratulate Bro Balbir Seimar, a member of Lodge St Crispin No 146 in Walsall, who has been awarded The British Empire Medal (BEM) in the Queen’s New Year Honours List 2021 “for her services to the homeless and to the community of Walsall”. Bro Seimar BEM is one of only 397 recipients from throughout the UK to have been awarded this honour. 
Balbir keeps herself very busy by devoting her time to three key issues in her community: homelessness, reducing crime and the environment. 
She leads the women’s group which provides weekly food and chat to homeless people in the community and sits on Walsall Police Strategic Community Reference Group (SCRG) helping to ensure the local community is represented and supported.  
She is also a “Stand-by-Me Ambassador” promoting the reporting of hate crime by supporting and encouraging people to come forward. 
Balbir also plays a key role in an organisation called Walsall Against Single Use Plastic, organising regular canal clear-ups picking up litter and improving the environment for the community. 
Balbir said: "I feel honoured and humbled to receive this award and I thank the people who I work with who have inspired me to go that little bit further for them. The people I help are among the most wonderful people you’ll ever meet and it energises me to carry on and help improve their quality of life." 
Through her work Bro Seimar BEM displays the qualities of a true Freemason by demonstrating the three founding principles of Freemasonry – Brotherly Love (kindness), Relief (charity) and Truth (being a good person and upright citizen). 
Congratulations Bro Seimar BEM! 
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